Open a Book, Feed Your Soul

We say things are a ‘real game changer’ or that something ‘changed my life’

but how many things you say that actually changed your life?

Sure, many things could have made your life better – or perhaps temporarily better.

What have you read or listened to that reached your very core?

Are you a different person now than you were before reading the book, listening to the song, or even chatting with a special person?

Did it inspire a change your daily habits?

Did it alter the course of your life?

I read a book that was a TRUE GAME CHANGER.  It has deepened my spiritual relationship and transformed my daily prayer life.  I now approach each day in a fresh new way…able to navigate the roller coaster of life with much more zest.  The best of days as well as the worst…and the soul sucking ordinary days – I handle them ALL differently.

It is like viewing life from the eyes of a resilient child.

Do not get me wrong, I am still me. I get angry, sassy and can be impatient at times when things go awry.  And I have been challenged with a few unexpected curveballs lately.

The difference is even through the mess…I am still happy.  I dare say even happier. I certainly dance around the house more than I used to. I’m downright JOYFUL!

Here is my copy of the book: (see picture)

See how discolored it is? Not trying to gross anyone out, but I started rubbing the edge of the book while I was reading this morning, I realized how dirty it was. Initially mortified, I quickly realized it is a good thing. My well-worn book has served me well, and no need to fret my dear friends. I will clean it as soon as I am finished writing.

My close family and friends can attest to seeing me read this book all over the place. I even sing a little ditty about it:

I can read it in my home,

And everywhere we roam.

I can read it in a car,

As we travel near and far.

I can read it on a boat,

‘Cuz I packed it in my tote.

I can read it in the sand,

And everywhere across the land.

You will find me clutching my treasured copy like a 5-year-old carries around their beloved teddy bear.

Most people do not grasp everything the first time they read something, and I am in that majority.  I read the book twice last year, as well as referencing sections throughout the year. Then I put it on my bookshelf for a well-deserved rest.

I picked it back up for a Lenten study.  As I was reading passages that I have read two or three times before, certain ones would strike me differently.  My patient husband tolerates me reading them out loud when I become amazed. “Listen to this…” then I will read the snippet and inevitably state how much I am in awe at the powerful words…the exact words I have read before, now have new meaning.

Why didn’t the words resonate last time, or the time before that?

Because I did not need those words then, I needed them now.  

It is the same way with Bible passages that I have read several times that hit me like a ton of bricks. Did it really say this before?? And of course, the answer is a resounding yes!

The verses are no grander than they were before.  It is all about timing…I believe you glean what you need at the perfect time for your soul.

If you read one book this year, I highly recommend I Heard God Laugh, by Matthew Kelly.

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